MFSTool is a addin program for CASIO pocket viewer. It is the "file manager" for Mini File System. Mini File System (MFS) is a file system for CASIO pocket viewer. It overcomes the limitation of the number of user files in pocket viewer. It also provides directory structure of a full featured file system to pocket viewer. MiniBook and MiniAlbum/MiniAlbum Lite use MFS to store files.
To install MFSTool, use PV application manager (Please refer to PV application manager manual for instructions. The manual is included in the CD ROM come with your pocket viewer). After installed MFSTool, you can find the icon in application menu:
MFSClient is a Windows application that communicates with MFS Server. It can be used to transfer files between PC and pocket viewer.
To install MFSClient, simply extract the zip file to a folder. You will find the executable in that folder:
To launch MFSTool, simply touch the MFSTool icon
MFSTool main window will be displayed.
To browse directory, just click "Delete". It will popup a file list box.
Current direcotory path name is displayed in the box above the file list window. (In above figure, it is "/", the root directory)
In file list box, names of all files and folders in current directory are listed. Folder names are enclosed with '[' and ']'. Parent folder is listed as "[..]".
Touch the folder name, will browse into that folder.
e.g. if we touch the "[MiniBook]" folder, the current directory will be changed to "/MiniBook"
touch "[..]" will take us to the root folder ("/") again.
To delete a file, touch the file name. A confirm dialog will pop up.
e.g. if we want to delete the "CBook1", simply touch it
touch "OK" to delete the file, touch "Cancel" if you change your mind and want to keep this file.
Touch anywhere outside the file list box will exit the delete mode, and return to the first screen of MFSTool.
Due to the underlying implementation of pocket viewer flash management and the performance consideration, when you delete files from MFS, the memory occupied by the files is not freed up. Therefore we need to do a "FS Management" to really free up the memory, so that to make it available to store other files.
The process may take a long time, and that is one reason why we don't perform the management each time a file is deleted.
To perform the management, simply touch "FS Management" Since this process will take a long time, a confirm dialog will pop up, to perform the file system management, touch "Yes".
The management progress has two steps. The first step is to free up all deleted files blocks:
The second step is to perform a system memory managment:
You may touch the "ESC" hard icon at any time to terminate the process. If the process is terminated this way, it may not fully free up the memory, thus you may need to do it again later.
MFS Server enables communctaion between MFS and PC. A client program (MFSClient or any terminal emulator) connects to MFS Server via serial port to transfer files, create directory, delete files etc.
To launch MFS Server, simply touch "MFS Server".
touch "ESC" hard icon will exit MFS Server and return to the first screen of MFSTool.
Please make sure to exit MFSTool after use, to ensure the integrity of MFS system.
To exit MFSTool, touch "Exit".
It is important to backup MFS regularly, so that you can restore your files, if there is any problem or data loss. The whole MFS file system is stored as a single user data file in pocket viewer. PC sync comes with your pocket viewer CDROM does not backup user data file, therefore, it can not be used to backup MFS.
To backup MFS, you need the PV application manager. Follow these steps:
In pocket viewer, make sure you exit MFSTool. Touch "Menu Bar"->Option->Download
Launch PV application manager, and click
Right click "MFSROOT" in the Data List, select Backup, and
save it as a .adt file.
In case of MFS corruption, or data loss, you can restore MFS from the adt backup file. Follow these steps to restore MFS:
Follow step 1. 2. of the instructions above to bring up the PV application manager and connect to PV.
Right click Data List, and select "Add File"
Browse to the backup adt file and click "Open"
Click to upload
the file to pocket viewer.
MFS Client provides a graphical user interface to connect to MFS Server and perform MFS operations.
To launch MFSClient double click MFSClient.exe
"Local Disk" group box contains file list box, and buttons that operate on files in PC.
"Pocket Viewer" group box contains file list box, and buttons that operate on files in MFS of pocket viewer.
Below the two group boxes is a terminal window that display output from MFS Server.
The bottom of MFSClient are communication controls and status display.
To connect to MFS Server, select the serial port that connects pocket viewer, and click "Connect" button.
After connected to MFS Server, files and directories in MFS will be listed in "Pocket Viewer" group.
To browse into a folder, double click the folder name. e.g. if we double click "MiniBook" folder, it will change current folder to "/MiniBook".
You can also click "ChgDir" button to input the path name of the directory directly to browse to that directory. To quickly browse to a browsed directory, you can slelect the browsed path from the drop down box at the top of the group box.
To delete file or directories, select them in file list and click "Delete" button. You can press shift or ctrl together with mouse to select multiple files/directories.
To create new directory, click "MkDir" and enter the desired directory path name. You can either use absolute path name (start from '/') or relative path name (in that case, it is from the current directory).
To change name of a file or directory, select it and click "Rename" button.
Click "Refresh" button will update the file list.
To perform file system management, you can click "MgFS" button. It has the same effect as "FS Management" from MFSTool. However, it is not recommended to do this from MFSClient, since it is connected while performing the management, which will consume more battery power.
To transfer file from PC to pocket viewer, select files/directories from
the file list in "Local Disk" group box, then click .
To transfer file from pocket viewer to PC, select files/directories from
the file list in "Pocket Viewer" group box, then click .
During the transmission, both group box will be disabled, and the output will be displayed in terminal window. The progress of each file and transmit speed will be displayed in the progress bar and bps box at the bottom.
After transmission, both group box will be activate again.
Please remember to shutdown MFS Server before exit MFSClient.
To shutdown MFS Server, click "Shtdwn" button.
To exit MFS Client, click "Exit" button.
NOTE: You still need to exit MFSTool in pocket viewer.
Besides MFSClient, you can connect to MFS Server using any terminal emulator program (such as Hyper Terminal for Windows) as well.
The reason to use terminal emulator could be:
Need to access MFS Server from other platform (e.g Linux, or Mac OS)
MFSClient is not installed (e.g. need to access MFS from a PC in a internet caffe, or from other PC).
The terminal emulator should support YModem file transmission protocol (which is supported by most terminal emulator program).
The emulator settings are:
bits per second: 38400
data bits: 8
parity: none
stop bits: 1
flow control: none, or hardware
backspace sends: Ctrl+H, Space, Ctrl+H
appends line feeds to incoming line ends
After connect to MFS Server, a prompt will be displayed. If no prompt is displayed, simply press Enter to bring up the prompt
Mini File Server Ver 1.02
Copyright (C) 2001 by Pu Bo
All rights are reserved
Enter help to display command list
Type 'help' to display the command list and explaination:
ls|dir list files in
current directory
cd change
current directory
md|mkdir make directory
rm|del delete file or directory
rn|rename rename file or directory
get receive file
from pocket viewer via YModem
put send file to
pocket viewer via YModem
exit|bye|by exit and disconnect
mgfs file system
management. It may take a long time.
help list commands
'ls' or 'dir': list files and directories of current directory. Including name, size and type
List directory of /MiniBook
102 directory
136 directory
243648 data file
52 data file
'cd': change current direcory
'md' or 'mkdir' <new direcory path name>: create new directory
List directory of /
102 directory
306 directory
714 directory
>md test
Made directory test
List directory of /
136 directory
306 directory
714 directory
34 directory
'rm' or 'del' <path name>: delete file or directory
List directory of /
136 directory
306 directory
714 directory
34 directory
>rm test
Deleted file: test
List directory of /
102 directory
306 directory
714 directory
'rn' or 'rename' <old name> <new name>: change the name of file or directory
List directory of /
136 directory
306 directory
714 directory
34 directory
>rn test "new name"
Renamed file: test to new name
List directory of /
136 directory
306 directory
714 directory
new name
34 directory
'get' <file name>: transfer file from pocket viewer to PC. After enter this command, use your emulator program to receive file using YModem
'put': transfer file from PC to pocket viewer. After enter this command, use your emulator program to send file using YModem
'exit' or 'bye' or 'by': shutdown MFS Server
'mgfs': perform file system management